
Posts Tagged ‘Messenger’

Is it all about the messenger?

March 16, 2013 1 comment

There is the messenger. He is delivering the message. Who are the followers following? The messenger or Jesus. Is it clear from the message?

The message is what HE has done. The message is HIS good news. The message is HIS new plan. The real messenger collects followers for Jesus. He doesn’t send out messengers who have fancy rhetoric of their own. The message of Jesus on the cross can’t be trivialized into mere words. The power of His death on the cross and His resurrection is demonstrated beyond mere words. It is demonstrated with real power that heals and changes lives.

That is the new plan. The goal will be achieved. No doubt about it.

Categories: Devotion Tags: , ,

“There is nothing left in your memory of God’s Message because you do not take his Messenger seriously.” ~~Jesus

There are many ways we hear about God. As a child in vacation bible school. The few times we actually read the Bible. But we have no real memory of God because we don’t listen to Jesus, His Messenger. We don’t take Him seriously.

Jesus challenges, demands of us, that we take what He says seriously. That is the way to God and the only way to God.

May we hear His voice. May we do what He says.

“There is nothing left in your memory of God’s Message because you do not take his Messenger seriously.” ~~Jesus