
Posts Tagged ‘Ross Barnes’

Seceders (1875)

It is 1875. The season is over. The “Four Seceders” come up with a conspiracy that foretells the demise of the National Association. It won’t last long after their plan plays out. Al Spalding, Ross Barnes, Cal McVey, and James White (also known as “Deacon” White) announce that they are leaving the Braves (then known as the Boston Red Stockings) and will play for Chicago. Why? Al Spalding complained that winning pennants in Boston had become monotonous. Really? Winning is monotonous? hahaha I think not!! He was going to a team where he could lose? Come on.

Being know as a “seceder” in the post Civil War era was not a term of endearment I think.

So, how did the clubs respond to this? They formed the National League on February 2, 1876. Seven teams joined with the President of the Chicago White Stockings to form the National League. Weird because this was the team that the “seceders” were jumping to. But it averted a big, big battle. The Braves (then known as the Boston Red Stockings) joined with the new league. It cost a $100 to be a member. Their motivation? I am guessing it was the stricter player contracts that would prevent “seceding”.

More on seceding (1876)

Ross Barnes was one of the “four seceders” who played for the Braves (then known as the Boston Red Stockings) in 1876. He played with Al Spalding, Cal McVey, and James White (also known as “Deacon” White). 1876 was to be his last season. He came down with “ague” and lost his strength. Is that similar to what Samson experienced? Ok, I guess not. It was probably malaria. Sounds weird though today. “I have ague”.

While some of the seceders were successful after their departure from the Braves, he was not.
In the early 1870’s, he was the dominant hitter in the National Association. He was so adept at the “fair / foul” bunt that the league changed the rules. He also hit the first home run in the National League.

And so, the Braves were a force to be contended with during this time. And God was moving in amazing ways.