
Posts Tagged ‘Seceders’

Seceders (1875)

It is 1875. The season is over. The “Four Seceders” come up with a conspiracy that foretells the demise of the National Association. It won’t last long after their plan plays out. Al Spalding, Ross Barnes, Cal McVey, and James White (also known as “Deacon” White) announce that they are leaving the Braves (then known as the Boston Red Stockings) and will play for Chicago. Why? Al Spalding complained that winning pennants in Boston had become monotonous. Really? Winning is monotonous? hahaha I think not!! He was going to a team where he could lose? Come on.

Being know as a “seceder” in the post Civil War era was not a term of endearment I think.

So, how did the clubs respond to this? They formed the National League on February 2, 1876. Seven teams joined with the President of the Chicago White Stockings to form the National League. Weird because this was the team that the “seceders” were jumping to. But it averted a big, big battle. The Braves (then known as the Boston Red Stockings) joined with the new league. It cost a $100 to be a member. Their motivation? I am guessing it was the stricter player contracts that would prevent “seceding”.

The Deacon (1876)

OK, I want to meet James White (also know as Deacon White) in heaven. Let’s just get that on the table. He won’t be first on my list but with trillions of years to see people, I am going to look him up. And yes, he was one of the four seceders in the 1876 season that brought the National Association to its knees. He played for the Braves (then known as the Boston Red Stockings).

This is about the no “tools of ignorance”. He was a catcher. A pretty good one I would think if he could catch Al Spalding. But he caught without a glove. And no mask. Probably not much of any protection. He just caught.

Yep, you read it right. No glove. A great bare handed catcher. Apparently the best barehanded catcher at that time. Can’t find any of them today. So I guess he was a pretty tough guy. But that was baseball then.

He was a deacon. A certified bible toting one for sure. Didn’t smoke. Didn’t drink. God was beginning to do some great stuff during this time. Some of it was happening in New England.
He also thought the world was flat and was ridiculed for it by team mate after mate. So he was a man of beliefs. Deeply held ones that couldn’t be shaken.

So yes, I want to meet him in heaven. The convergence of baseball appearing on the scene and God’s Spirit moving on the planet in 1876 is amazing. Good stuff for sure.

What is the ERA for this game? (1868)

December 4, 2010 Leave a comment

This is amazing. Cal McVey is a pitcher. He looses a game 7-54. That is right, he gave up 54 runs. I don’t think I can even calculate the ERA on that. That is in 1868. The team he lost to is the Cincinnati Red Stockings. The next year they hire Cal McVey for $700. They did however move him to right field. No more pitching for Cal.

While playing for Cincinnati, they had an 84 game winning streak going in 1869 and 1870. So what would you do when the game was tied 17 to 17? Walk off the field during a bad call and forfeit the game? Well, that is what happened. Winning streak over!!

Oh well, when the team folds that year, you continue your career with the Boston Red Stockings. Cal McVey is one of the “four seceders” who broke up the Boston Red Stockings. Controversy seemed to be part of his claim to fame.

And so, baseball continues. The Braves continue on.

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